Change of Power | earthrise | Al Jazeera
I find it really exciting to think that the world is in the middle of the greatest energy transition since the Industrial Revolution. But I am also deeply worried because it’s clear that transition is not happening nearly fast enough.
When we started making this programme at the end of 2020, the global focus for reducing emissions was set on the target of net zero by the middle of the century. I was keen to emphasise the crucial importance of 2030 instead. By then, according to the science, we must cut emissions by 45% if we are to remain on track to prevent truly cataclysmic climate change.
In Change of Power, we find out what a carbon neutral world might look like by exploring some of the solutions which have a part to play in the energy transition. We travel to Orkney in the UK where scientists are developing one of clean energy’s holy grails: green hydrogen. In Norway, we visit a carbon-neutral data centre cooled by hydropower. And I speak to Christiana Figueres, the co-founder of Global Optimism and former UN climate chief.